Gentili Colleghi,

Cari Amici,

in considerazione della difficile situazione che tutti noi stiamo vivendo, il Comitato organizzatore del Convegno GIMC-GMA-GBMA-2020 comunica che il Convegno, previsto nei giorni 9-12 settembre 2020 a Reggio Calabria, è posticipato e avrà luogo nella stessa Sede nel periodo compreso tra la seconda metà di giugno e gli inizi di luglio 2021.

Vi comunicheremo appena possibile le date precise e le relative scadenze per la partecipazione.

Con l’augurio di rivederci presto,

Il Comitato organizzatore.

IACM and AIMETA/GIMC have decided to actively support the participation of young investigators in the WCCM XIV-ECCOMAS 2020 in Paris next July by offering two scholarships to students who wish to attend this next World Congress. Each scholarship will cover the reduced student registration.

The deadline for applications was March the 16th, 2020.

Among the 11 received applications for the scholarships, GIMC selected, on the basis of CV evaluation, two awardees:

  • Gaziano Francesco, from the University of Rome Tor Vergata,
  • Patton Alessia, from University of Pavia.

We thank all the young investigators who participated in the selection.

The board for the GIMC/ECCOMAS awards for the best PhD thesis in computational solid and fluid mechanics defended in 2019 was composed of Giuseppe Giambanco (Universita’ di Palermo), Marco Donato de Tullio (Politecnico di Bari), Leonardo Leonetti (Università della Calabria) and Lorenzo Sanavia (Universita’ di Padova). The theses submitted to the selection were ten. The members of the board reviewed all the thesis individually and then discussed in a teleconference and reached unanimous agreement.

The scientific board found that all the theses were excellent contributions, according to different aspects of the works, and all of them are relevant from the computational mechanics point of view.

The discussion lead to the following selections:

Dr. Vito Diana, Politecino di Milano, as the best Thesis in Computational Solid and Fluid Mechanics.

Dr. Simone Meduri, Politecnico di Milano, as the Best Thesis in Computational Solid and Fluid Mechanics

Moreover, the selection board has selected as GIMC/AIMETA candidate to the ECCOMAS PhD Award:

Dr. Vito Diana, Politecnico di Milano.

We congratulate all the participants for their exceptional work and wish them all the best.