ho il piacere di comunicarVi  che la nostra sede di UNIPA Edificio 19 Â
ospiterà il Congresso EMI 2023 IC dal 27-30 Agosto 2023.  Â
Questa email per chiedere cortesemente il Vostro contributo importante e a garanzia del successo dell’evento, nel proporre minisimposi! Â
Grazie, l’occasione mi è gradita per augurarVi un felice anno nuovo! Â
Dear Friends Â
Save the Date: 27-30 August and Join us at the Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2023 (EMI IC 2023)—the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) international annual mechanics conference. This conference will be hosted at University of Palermo, Italy, with organization led by Professors Massimo Midiri and Antonina Pirrotta.  Â
The conference will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners, where the fundamental and applied advances in engineering mechanics will be on display. At the conference, learn about the latest discoveries in the field of engineering mechanics, disseminate your own contributions at topical sessions, listen to distinguished plenary lecturers and participate in discussions, panels and networking events to advance engineering mechanics education, research and practice. Â
 But more, support all PHD students attending the special junior sessions where the chairs will be young researcher and speakers Ph D Students, only.  Â
It could be very important, to let you know that with one registration fee you may present two papers! Â
Mini-Symposia and Session - Call for Proposals  Â
Deadline for Submissions:Â Â Â
January 15, 2023 - mini-symposia proposals  Â
February 25 , 2023 - abstracts  Â
Mini-symposia proposals for the conference are being sought. They must include the following information:Â Â Â
- Title Â
- Names and contact information of the organizer(s)Â
- Abstract (1 paragraph)Â
- Sponsoring committee, if anyÂ
- Rough estimate of the anticipated number of presentations.Â
- Specify, if you are Assistant Professor and your MS is for Special Junior Session, inviting as speakers only PhD students, (the abstract may be co-authored with senior authors).Â
It is expected that the mini-symposia organized by the leaders in the field will particularly stimulate the event and give it its unique flavor. From an organizational point of view, we envision a mini-symposium to consist of one or more sessions of 6 time slots each (one time slot equals to 20 min. incl. discussions). Mini-symposia with 3 or more sessions may include a keynote lecture having allocated two time slots for the presentation (equals to 40 mins. incl. discussions).Â
Mini-symposia proposals are to be e-mailed to by January 15, 2023.  Â
Have a look at the link for the topicsÂ