Il Comitato Direttivo AIMETA segnala la possibilità di proporre candidature per i prestigiosi premi IUTAM 2024 descritti in dettaglio nei flyers che si forniscono di seguito insieme a brevi sintesi degli annunci ufficiali dei premi (la IUTAM non ammette auto-candidature).

Il CD si riserva di avanzare candidature a nome dell’AIMETA a valle della raccolta di proposte di cui sopra, comunicando la propria scelta ai soci e sostenitori dell’Associazione.

Ulteriori candidature potranno essere proposte autonomamente, inviandole direttamente alla IUTAM sulla base delle indicazioni fornite di seguito ed in allegato.

Le scadenze per presentare candidature all'AIMETA sono fissate al 15 Maggio 2023 per il Batchelor Prize ed al 30 Giugno 2023 per il Rodney Hill Prize. Le proposte di candidature all'AIMETA dovranno essere inviata alla mail

Le scadenze per inviare candidature autonome alla IUAM cadono invece, rispettivamente, il 31 Maggio ed il 31 Agosto 2023.

I premi saranno annunciati nel corso dell’International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), che si terrà a Daegu, Korea nell’Agosto 2024 (



2024 Batchelor Prize founded and sponsored by the Journal of Fluid Mechanics (awarded under the auspices of IUTAM)

The Prize is awarded every four years to a single scientist for outstanding research in fluid dynamics, recognizing research which has been published during the ten-year period prior to the announcement of the award. The intention is that younger researchers should be as eligible for consideration as those who are more established, and that the work should be of great current interest (representing, for example, an emerging field of application of fluid mechanics or a significant breakthrough in an established branch of the subject).

Nomination procedure:

  • The nomination should include a brief curriculum vitae of the candidate nominated.
  • A list of their publications during the period 2013-2022; with up to 10 of particular distinction being marked by an asterisk (there is no requirement that the research was published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics).
  • A brief (one or two page) statement of the case for making the award, including reasoning for the selected papers of distinction. A joint signed statement is acceptable and further supporting letters are not required.


Aimeta Deadline for submitting applications:  May 15 2023

Final Deadline for submitting applications:  May 31 2023


Link to the flyer (2024 Batchelor Prize)




2024 Rodney Hill Prize in Solid Mechanics founded and sponsored by Elsevier (awarded under the auspices of IUTAM)

The Prize is awarded to a single scientist for outstanding research in solid mechanics. The research so recognised by the Prize shall normally have been published during the period 2013-2022. The intention is thus that younger researchers should be as eligible for consideration as those who are more established, and that the work should be of great current interest (representing, for example, an emerging field of application of solid mechanics or a significant breakthrough in an established branch of the subject).


Nomination procedure:

  1. The nomination should include a brief curriculum vitae of the candidate nominated.
  2. A list of his/her publications during the period 2013-2022 with up to 10 of particular distinction being marked by an asterisk (there is no requirement that the research was published in an Elsevier Journal).
  3. A brief (one page) statement of the case for making the award.


Aimeta Deadline for submitting applications:  June 30 2023

Final Deadline for submitting applications:  August 31 2023

Link to the flyer (2024 Rodney Hill Prize in Solid Mechanics)


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