The aim of GADeS is to promote the scientific interaction between researchers operating in the fields of Solid and Structural Dynamics, Machine Dynamics and Dynamical Systems, as well as the opportunity for improving cooperation with researchers working on Identification and Control problems, independently from the scientific sector, thus in coherence with the AIMETA's statutory spirit. Indeed, the integration of researchers, who are studying particular and/or complementary problems, appears very important since it can enlarge the range of interests of the Group. Therefore, the AIMETA GADeS Group is specifically aimed at sharing knowledge from different sectors, through the organization of workshop, mini-symposia, special sessions in AIMETA's conferences and, last but not least, the coordinated participation to Italian and European research project.
GADeSÂ Coordination Committee
Daniele Zulli (chairman) - University of L'Aquila
Francesco Pellicano - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Federico Zullo - University of Brescia
Past GADeSÂ Officers
2012-2016Â - Sandra Carillo, Walter D'Ambrogio, Angelo Luongo (chairman)
2016-2018Â - Maria Grazia Naso, Francesco Pellicano, Giuseppe Piccardo (chairman)
GADeSÂ Award
Best PhD Thesis on the topics of Dynamics & Stability
2016 -Â Valeria Settimi
2018 -Â Â Alberto Di Matteo