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RAM3: 2nd International Meeting of Young Researchers

RAM3: Recent Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Materials
2nd International Meeting of Young Researchers
Rome, 18-20 November 2019 - Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering

The Workshop RAM3 brings together young and distinguished scientists working at the intersection between mechanics and mathematics, for a three days event in Rome. The main focus of the workshop is on solid mechanics and its applications to material modelling, structural theories and multiphysics coupling. During the workshop four keynote lectures will be delivered by prominent researchers to inspire the young attendees with novel research topics and new challenges. By gathering together young scientists from all the world, the workshop intends to foster new ideas and promote new collaborations...

GMA 2019

GMA 2019 - within AIMETA 2019, Sapienza University of Rome - September 2019

Executive Committee

Past Members of the Executive Committee

Lorenzo Bardella, Pasquale Vena, Roberta Massabò, Luca Deseri, Alberto Corigliano, Gianpietro Del Piero

Goal of the group

The goal of the group is to provide a forum for researchers working in the field of materials. The group organizes and encourages initiatives to favour exchange of experiences, discussion, and collaboration of researchers working in different cultural areas. The group annual meetings, GMA conferences, are organized in order to favour participation and discussion.



  • GMA 2024 - within AIMETA 2024, University of Naples Federico II - September 2024

Events, conference proceedings, and slides


 GMA Award for the best PhD Thesis






Flexural tensegrity

Claudio Boni

Massimiliano Zingales, Emanuela Bosco, Francesco Dal Corso


Cohesive and variational methods for fracture mechanics in statics and fatigue

Pavan Kumar Asur Vijaya Kumar

Daniela Addessi, Luca Deseri, Stefano de Miranda


Modeling the electrochemo-poromechanics of ionic polymer metal composites and cell clusters

Alessandro Leronni

Luigi Gambarotta, Antonino Morassi, Paola Nardinocchi


Mathematical models for biological motility: From peristaltic crawling to plant nutations

Daniele Agostinelli

Giuseppe Tomassetti, Massimiliano Fraldi, Michele Brun


Modeling of biological tissue: diffusion, growth & remodeling, active behaviour

Filippo Recrosi

Claudia Comi, Domenico De Tommasi, Guido Borino


On the coupling of peridynamics with the classical theory of continuum mechanics in a meshless framework

Arman Shojaei Barjoui

Antonio DeSimone, Pasquale Vena, Roberto Brighenti


Modeling and simulation of a class of nonlinear coupled reaction-diffusion problems for green applications

Pietro Lenarda

Davide Bigoni, Roberta Massabò, Roberto Paroni


In-situ mechanical characterization of deformable metal/polymer electrical interconnects

Emanuele Cattarinuzzi

Alberto Corigliano, Luca Deseri, Massimiliano Gei


Members and Participants in GMA Conferences

(To join please contact one of the coordinators)
