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The 3rd International Multibody Summer School, jointly organized by Politecnico di Milano and University of Parma, will be held on 13-17 September 2021.

Methods of multibody system dynamics represent a widespread, versatile and reliable approach to the simulation of engineering problems that involve the dynamics of complex mechanisms. Applications of these methods can be found in many fields, for instance in aerospace, automotive, virtual reality, biomechanics, AI, robotics and automation, to name a few.

International experts will provide lessons and keynotes. This year it will be an ONLINE event: all students will use a teleconference system to connect to the workshop.  A preliminary program with useful information is available at:

The invitation is open to PhD students, postdocs and...

Alessandro Tasora -


Federico Cheli -
Domenico Guida 
Pierangelo Masarati -
Carmine Maria Pappalardo - 
Ettore Pennestrì -
Alessandro Tasora -
Pier Paolo Valentini - 



Open source multibody dynamics simulation codes

Multibody dynamics summerschools

Multibody dynamics courses taught at Italian universities

Digital Dynamics Lab
Presso l'Università di Parma è stato istituito il Digital Dynamics Lab diretto dal collega Prof. Alessandro Tasora.
Il laboratorio, le cui finalità sono quelle di sviluppare nuovi standard di eccellenza nella simulazione, ha già importanti collaborazioni industriali.


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