The GBMA award 2019 for the best PhD Thesis in Theoretical and Applied Biomechanics has been awarded to Dr Stefania Palumbo for the Thesis entitled:

On the mechanical behavior of single-cell: from microstructural remodelling to macroscopic elasticity

The Thesis has been conducted in the framework of the Doctoral School in Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering in the University of Trento, supervised by Prof. Luca Deseri (University of Trento) and Prof. Massimiliano Fraldi (University of Napoli “Federico II”). The Thesis will be presented within the GBMA minisymposium “Theoretical and Applied Biomechanics” in the congress AIMETA 2019 (15-19 Settembre, Roma,

The motivation for the Prize is (in Italian):

La Tesi sviluppa un modello per la meccanica cellulare e per l'interazione cellula-substrato con l'obiettivo di connettere la singola risposta cellulare con il rimodellamento microstrutturale e il comportamento elastico tessutale alla macroscala. La Tesi si presenta originale e innovativa per l’estensione della visione tensintegra della meccanica cellulare e delle relative generalizzazioni proposte. Inoltre, nuovo ed efficace è l’approccio proposto per lo studio della meccanica di aderenza cellulare. Di notevole interesse infine l’applicazione della teoria delle deformazioni strutturate al caso meccanobiologico in esame. Gli sviluppi teorici sono consistenti, notevoli per la loro rilevanza, e molto ben presentati. Presenti anche aspetti di modellazione computazionale, a supporto degli sviluppi teorici proposti. La candidata dimostra una piena conoscenza delle tematiche trattate e delle implicazioni teoriche e computazionali coinvolte nelle tecniche di modellazione prescelte. Nella metodologia proposta, accuratamente illustrata e commentata in modo critico ed approfondito, si ravvisa un potenziale impatto in applicazioni meccanobiologiche. Inoltre, le pubblicazioni del candidato su riviste scientifiche di ottimo livello e le collaborazioni in essere, testimoniano ulteriormente l’impatto scientifico delle ricerche condotte.

Within the XXIII Congresso Aimeta di Roma, the group of Biomechanics is organising the Minisymposium:

GBMA – Theoretical and Applied Biomechanics

Theoretical and applied mechanics plays a fundamental role in understanding the behavior of biological structures in health and disease. Recent advancements, which acknowledge the essential link between mechanics and chemo-biological mechanisms in physiopathological responses, have allowed developing novel technologies to support diagnostic assessments and to optimize medical devices for improving clinical approaches. Nevertheless, advances in experimental approaches, modelling techniques and computational technologies have to be continuously pursued, in order to build up suitable modern tools for facing the renewed challenges launched by Biomechanics.

The AIMETA Group of Biomechanics – GBMA – organizes this mini-symposium in order to gather the most recent developments in theoretical and applied Biomechanics. A debate among complementary expertise is fostered, for highlighting advantages, drawbacks, potentialities and limitations of methodologies at the cutting edge of Biomechanics. The mini-symposium is open to:
  • all areas of Biomechanics, from cardiovascular through musculoskeletal to respiratory and gastrointestinal systems;
  • biological structures across all scales, from cells through tissues to organs;
  • different methodological approaches, including experimental and computational structural mechanics, experimental and computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction problems, multiphysics and multiscale coupling;
  • conception, design and analysis of medical devices for diagnosis and treatments
