ricevo ed inoltro volentieri.
Molti cordiali salutiÂ
Sandra CarilloÂ
Segretrario AIMETA
From: Segreteria ANIV <aniv@aniv-iawe.org>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 at 21:32
Subject: IN-VENTO 2020 On-Line Event
To: <mailing@ml.aimeta.it>, <info@aimeta.it>
Cc: Luca Bruno <luca.bruno@polito.it>, Francesco Ricciardelli <friccia@unicampania.it>, Claudio Mannini <claudio.mannini@unifi.it>
Gentile Collega,
   Con preghiera di diffusione presso i Soci AIMETA, Le trasmetto il seguente messaggio del Comitato Direttivo dell'Associazione Nazionale di Ingegneria del Vento e del Comitato Organizzatore dell'IN-VENTO 2020 On-Line Event.
RingraziandoLa anticipatamente, Le porgo i miei più cordiali saluti.
Dear Colleagues,
The Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV) and the Wind Engineering group of Politecnico di Milano are pleased to invite you to join the IN-VENTO 2020 online event, which will be held on September 7th. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, this online event will replace IN-VENTO 2020, XVI Conference of the Italian Association of Wind Engineering, which will be held in 2022 instead.By such an event, ANIV aims at remaining active offering prospects to young researchers in Wind Engineering from Italy and abroad, and the possibility of exchanging ideas about future scientific and technical challenges.
Visit the new website in-vento2020.org to discover the program of the day and to register to the event!
Once completed the registration form, you will receive the link to the online event via mail.
The agenda of the IN-VENTO 2020 online event is:
 9:00 – 13:00 - PhD Session managed by ANIV-G (the group of young researchers within ANIV)
 9:00 –  9:15 | Welcome Address to ANIV-G from the Chairman of the day and ANIV President
 9:15 – 10:55 | PhD Session
10:55 – 11:10 | Break
11:10 – 12:25 | PhD Session
12:25 – 13:00 | ANIV-G Meeting
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch Break
14:00 – 18:15 - IN-VENTO 2020 Online event
14:00 – 14:15 | Welcome Address from the Chairman of the day and ANIV President
14:15 – 15:45 | ANIV AWARD shortlisted three researchers presentation
15:45 – 16:00 | ANIV AWARD ceremony
16:00 – 16:15 | Break
16:15 – 17:15 | Panel discussion "New Challenges in Wind-Structure interaction"
17:15 – 18:15 | ANIV Members meeting
IN-VENTO 2020 Online event & ANIV-G Meeting are offered for free. They are part of the actions promoted by ANIV, e.g. ANIV award, new website and special interest groups, among others. By confirming your membership or becoming a new member, you will support them.
We hope many of you will attend!
All our bests,The ANIV Steering Committee
The In-Vento 2020 Organizing Committee