Steering Commitee
Giuseppe Vairo (chairman) - Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Marco Donato de Tullio - Politecnico di Bari
Alberto Salvadori - Università degli Studi di Brescia

Council Board
Alessio Gizzi - Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Emanuela Jacchetti - Politecnico di Milano
Alessandro Nitti (secretary) - Politecnico di Bari
Nicola Sancisi - Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna


Aims and scope

The GBMA group, founded by the late Professor Roberto Contro of the Politecnico di Milano, comprises researchers and scientists dedicated to the field of Biomechanics. GBMA seeks to encourage, promote, and advance research and dissemination activities related to the science of biomechanics. Additionally, it strives to foster cooperation and interaction with other associations and organizations, both within the biomechanics domain and in related interdisciplinary sectors, reflecting the inherently cross-disciplinary nature of the field.

Within the framework of AIMETA's initiatives, GBMA actively supports the transfer of knowledge from theoretical and applied Mechanics to clinical applications, biomedicine, and bioengineering, thereby bridging the gap between methodological research and practical applications.

Upcoming events

  • GBMA Meeting
    within the 1st HICOMP Conference (1st Hellenic-Italian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechanics of Materials) - Rodhes Island, Greece - June 19-21, 2025.
    The event is organized jointly by the Greek Association of Computational Mechanics (GRACM) and by three Italian AIMETA Groups: AIMETA Group of Biomechanics (GBMA), Italian Group of Computational Mechanics (GIMC) and AIMETA Mechanics of Materials Group (GMA) under the auspices of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
  • Final step of the GBMA Award 2025 (to be announced)
    within the GIMC-GMA-GBMA Best PhD Theses Competition 2025 (March 2025), a joint online event by GBMA, GIMC, and GMA, during which the winners of the PhD Thesis Awards for the three groups will be selected from the finalists presenting their thesis work.

Dissemination activities

Conferences and Workshops
Thematic Sessions and Minisymposia

GBMA Award for the best PhD Thesis in Theoretical and Applied Biomechanics

Year Thesis title Author
Stabilization of lumbar metastasis: a biomechanical perspective for more effective surgical strategies

Simone Borrelli


Multiscale modeling of vascular adaptation

Anna Corti
(ex aequo)

Modelling the failure mechanics of hard biological tissues: continuum damage-based approaches

Pierfrancesco Gaziano
(ex aequo)

The response of endothelial cells to angiogenic stimuli: experiments, modeling and simulations

Mattia Serpelloni
(ex aequo)

Multiscale chemo-mechanical modeling of dystrophic skeletal muscle biomechanics

Marco Stefanati
(ex aequo)

Development of a multiphysics solver for complex coupled problems involving thin shells: fluid-structure-electrophysiology interaction

Alessandro Nitti

Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning for the Numerical Simulation of Cardiac Electro-mechanics

Francesco Regazzoni

On the mechanical behavior of single-cell: from microstructural remodelling to macroscopic elasticity

Stefania Palumbo